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Mr. ChaCha Oh No

This read is a bit different from the routine.   Tabby's on a quest to uncover the truth behind Mr. ChaCha Oh No from Planet Uh-Oh.  You can help her by sending e-responses using the SurveyPlanet link.  Today, I want you to meet  Mr. ChaCha Oh No .  He’s got a dramatic way to show up at unexpected places; what’s more - he can morph into any form and size.  Look! He’s waving and extending a friendly hand to you.  Artwork by Author Ahem! Are you having second thoughts?  Yes, that’s the effect Mr. ChaCha Oh No aka Challenge has on us. Ahh, that name sure rings a bell.  We’ve all shared life with him and continue to. He’s not very amicable. You may have bitter-sweet memories of him.  If you are reading this post, chances are you survived his blow or at least dodged it for a while!  Even though he partially swallowed you up and burned down every bit of your strength; you made it through. YAY! So today I’m asking you one question. Table Of Contents Straight to the question Next Step

F R I E N D S !

Jesus says in John15:14 - You are my friends if you do what I command. It is so precious to be his friends, no cost asked, anyone can be his friend.

Would we let a stranger be your friend on facebook?  Jesus would have !
Would we be friends with people we are not comfortable with? Jesus would have !

How many best friends do you have ? I bet all of Jesus's friends are 'BEST' for him :)
and what do we need to be his BEST buddy . Just obey him.

Can we all pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help us obey Him ? At all times !


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