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Mr. ChaCha Oh No

This read is a bit different from the routine.   Tabby's on a quest to uncover the truth behind Mr. ChaCha Oh No from Planet Uh-Oh.  You can help her by sending e-responses using the SurveyPlanet link.  Today, I want you to meet  Mr. ChaCha Oh No .  He’s got a dramatic way to show up at unexpected places; what’s more - he can morph into any form and size.  Look! He’s waving and extending a friendly hand to you.  Artwork by Author Ahem! Are you having second thoughts?  Yes, that’s the effect Mr. ChaCha Oh No aka Challenge has on us. Ahh, that name sure rings a bell.  We’ve all shared life with him and continue to. He’s not very amicable. You may have bitter-sweet memories of him.  If you are reading this post, chances are you survived his blow or at least dodged it for a while!  Even though he partially swallowed you up and burned down every bit of your strength; you made it through. YAY! So today I’m asking you one questio...

Our Work Matters

Maybe you work for a living or for charity. Your contribution is significant. There is a definite value added and an impact created by your work.

Every individual's contribution is significant for a task to be successful. It's irrespective of the work we do. Paid or Unpaid. 

'For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.'  Ephesians 2:10 NIV®

God has prepared us in advance to do His will. 
Do we really know the purpose of our work? Ponder that. 

If you are a parent caring for kids at home, imagine the TLC (tender loving care) your kids would miss as they grow up, if you were not around for them. You have in your hand a great opportunity to train up a child with good values. This prepares them for everyday life.

If you are a health care professional, imagine the loss the world would face without you. At this time as the world battles it out with COVID-19, your work is significant.

If you are at school/college, your main responsibility is to excel in the area you are majoring in. You could be that next-gen teacher who designs a system that makes education free for all. You could be a lawyer or judge that inspires people to fight for the right cause. You could be that great movie maker who will stir the world away from profanity and obscenities. 

If you are a farmer, your healthy produce is important for us.

If you are a cop, janitor, a house help, a teacher or a grandparent imagine the gap you leave in a person's life if you are not around. You make our life easy. Your presence makes a difference to the world we live in.

Let's jump on to this analogy for a minute.
We understand to a certain extent how our body works. Although we may not be expert in human anatomy, we still agree with the fact that each part and organ of our body is vital for it to function effectively. Each part or organ has a specific function to fulfil and thus contribute to the overall health of a body.
Now imagine, if one part starts showing signs of trouble. Our body now poses a challenge to be 100% effective. Over days or months, this part gets worse if left unattended and now it's a risk for the overall health of the body. It could eventually lead us in big trouble.

It's the same with the work we do. Our work really matters. We are crucial organs, supporting the overall body of a project or deliverable in hand. How we operate, creates a bigger impact.
  • Our contribution at work impacts the overall welfare of a task.
  • It impacts the timely completion and implementation.
  • It impacts our team and ultimately the mission we are working on.
I would just like to illustrate a conversation between a father and his son. (this conversation is purely fictional)
Son: Dad, what work do you do at office?
Dad: Well son, I do what I am told.
Son: Huh ! Isn't that what you do at home too?
The point I am driving is that we need to - 
  • Know the purpose of our work. Address the Whats & Whys.
  • Know the dependencies in our work.
  • Know the schedule our work has to follow.
  • Understand the Big picture to which we are contributing.
  • Realize the impact that our work creates to produce a successful result and keep a happy customer.
If you are unsure about the above points with regards to the work assigned, it's time you ask. Ask your superiors about it. Gather a clear understanding. It's important to know what you are supposed to deliver. 

In my earlier years of professional life, I failed to ask questions. Mostly, due to fear of being laughed at or the fear of being kicked out. Not knowing details of the work I did, impacted the work I delivered. Even though I worked hard, it still fell short of excellence. 

'If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. ' James 1:5 NIV®

It's only when we realize the value we add and the impact we make, we begin to be responsible for our work. It seamlessly follows with a desire of doing a good job. 

Remember, your contribution counts. 

So while at work, 
  • Work with a realization that what you are doing is important.
  • Work diligently and in a timely manner to avoid skip in schedules.
  • Work in unity with the team.

Our work matters to God. God does not look at our profession. 
He looks at how we deliver. It is a form of worship we can offer. A pleasing offering.

Give God your best.

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.comThe “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™


  1. Heartfelt and very sincere. All the very best for your new blog. May it add meaning to you and all who feel it is very important to consciously be involved in any activity and who aspire to make a difference in their own way.


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